posted by: Garry
| August 30, 2013, 10:02 am
Recently, a Phi Delta Kappa survey revealed 59% of Americans would expand mental health services in schools, whereas only 33% would opt for hiring more security guards. In light of recent high-profile school shootings and fiscal realities facing districts, the ability to foster social and emotional learning is more critical than ever.
posted by: Ruthie
| August 28, 2013, 03:42 pm
Our Professional Development Calendar is filled with opportunities that will help you start the school year off right. Our picks this month focus on opportunities that incorporate skills, tools, and teaching techniques that will help set the tone and cultivate student interest towards the beginning of the year, and then continue to help through the rest of the school year.
posted by: Garry
| August 27, 2013, 04:12 pm
The equal treatment of special education students continues to be a focus of Secretary Duncan and the Department of Education. For special education students, current No Child Left Behind provisions permitted 2% of students per state to learn a curriculum based on “modified” objectives and be measured on an aligned test. These separate requirements for special needs students raised questions among disability advocates.
posted by: Ruthie
| August 21, 2013, 01:39 pm
If only because of the popularity of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, nearly everyone is familiar with the concept of badges. Even if you’ve never participated in these programs, at the mention of ‘badges’ you probably visualize a sash with round pieces of embroidered cloth sown on. This rather old-school way of showing off a person’s accomplishments transitioned into the computer age through the creation of digital badges, and now these digital badges are emerging in schools across the country as a way to incentive students.
posted by: Ruthie
| August 20, 2013, 03:25 pm
As school cheating scandals continue to make headlines, the need for secure testing measures has never been greater. Despite the debate over standardized tests, these assessments provide invaluable information on student growth, and with developing technology may become safer than ever before.
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