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Top 5 Must-Have Teacher Apps for the Classroom
posted by: Ruthie | August 07, 2013, 07:19 PM   

There's always a lot of talk about what apps are good for student use in the classroom – which apps teach math or reading the best or which apps students can use to make presentations. Well, as the school year begins, we thought that we'd recommend the best apps for teachers to use in their classroom.


1) Class Dojo is unrivaled for its place at the top of our list. This simple-to-use classroom management app helps teachers get on top of behavior. Feedback is given to students instantaneously, increasing student motivation. Parents and students can also see behavior reports increasing communication and accountability.

2) TeacherKit is an all-encompassing classroom management app that seems to do it all. With TeacherKit you can manage grades, send out parent communications, monitor behavior, keep attendance, make seating charts, and track students. This app has received great reviews from teachers because it makes taking attendance and tracking homework so easy.

3) Google Drive lets you create documents that are stored in the cloud. These can be common word documents, spreadsheets, or presentations. You can also use their form to create online quizzes. If you have older students or work in a school that has Google Apps for Education, students can turn in assignments to your drive account electronically – no more papers! Finally, you can use Google Drive to sync multiple devices and share files between them, making prep and transportation easy.

4) The Common Core Standards App is a must-have if your state is in the middle of implementing the standards. This app puts the standards themselves at the teacher's fingertips along with providing resources for their implementation. You can use the app to browse standards by grade level or you can search by a key word or concept, saving you time while you plan your lessons.

5) Prezi makes preparing presentations a breeze. It's often talked about in terms of student presentations, but teachers can use it to for their presentations too! It's simple to use, allows for collaboration, and can make presentations much more engaging.

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