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Linda Darling-Hammond Talks Education Reform with Education Sector
posted by: Ruthie | July 18, 2013, 11:08 am   

Linda Darling-Hammond has long been known as one of the nation’s preeminent educators. She is best known for her efforts to increase learning outcomes for inner-city youth, the promotion of social justice education, and her work with teacher preparation and evaluation. She’s published a wide variety of books including The Flat World and Education, The Right to Learn, and Powerful Teacher Education. Darling-Hammond has never been afraid to take a stand on controversial issues. In her latest work, Getting Teacher Evaluation Right, she waded into the controversial area of teacher evaluations.

Changing Demographics Highlight the Need for Education Reform
posted by: Ruthie | July 18, 2013, 11:06 am   

By 2050, white, non-Hispanics will be the minority in America. Currently, already half of babies born today are Hispanic, African American, Asian, or Native American. This major shift in demographics intensifies the important role of education reform in this country, especially in underserved communities with struggling schools.
NEA Membership Numbers Show Continued Decline
posted by: Garry | July 16, 2013, 11:20 am   

Following an eventful 2013 annual conference, the NEA's official membership numbers have hit the internet. According to the Education Intelligence Agency, the NEA has lost over 9% of its members nationwide. The 2011-12 school year absorbed the sharpest decline, with almost 104,000 fewer members in the ranks from the previous year. However, the losses continued by more than 41,000 members in the just-concluded 2012-13 school year.

Education Research: 5 Important Studies Every Teacher Should be Talking About
posted by: Ruthie | July 12, 2013, 02:01 pm   

In the hustle and bustle of the everyday classroom, it's easy to forget that every month new research is being published about education. This research often seems removed from how we behave in the classroom, but it doesn't need to be. Often this research can have a very real impact in our classrooms and during the school day. With that being said, we've compiled some of the latest studies and polls that all classroom teachers should be talking about:
Statistics: Male Students Are Falling Behind
posted by: Ruthie | July 12, 2013, 12:29 pm   

Our great nation is known for the constant pursuit of equality and for “offering every citizen “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” In education, while there is an increasing focus on minority achievement, especially for African American and Hispanic students, few people are acknowledging the growing disparity in gender achievement in the United States.

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