posted by: Alix
| April 17, 2013, 08:34 am
Governor Brownback signed House Bill 2221 into law last week, which allows Kansas educators to hear what their professional association options are. The law changes elements of the Professional Negotiations Act to:
posted by: Alix
| March 29, 2013, 01:12 pm
It's my sincere hope that every AAE member is involved in some sort of professional learning community (PLC). Without a doubt, this form of professional development is proven to be one of the most effective with one of the longest reaching impacts for teachers and students.
posted by: Alix
| March 21, 2013, 09:29 am
We recently introduced our new Professional Development Calendar, meant to be a single place where teachers can find a wealth of upcoming opportunities.
posted by: Alix
| March 20, 2013, 01:37 pm
When you talk to educators about professional development, there tends to be a mindset that favors events like conferences, workshops, and webinars. Even though studies have shown that these forms of professional development are limited in their success, teachers still cling to them as ways to connect with other educators and get new ideas. That's not to say that these forms of professional development are entirely without merit, just that by relying on these staples we close ourselves to other opportunities.
posted by: Winworld
| March 13, 2013, 10:51 am
There is no doubt that the shift to Common Core will bring about a change in not only how instruction is delivered, but also in the way schools operate. In order to meet some of the goals of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), schools will have to shift some of their practices. Individual schools will approach the challenges differently, but there are some universal changes that good schools should implement.
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