posted by: Melissa
| May 11, 2018, 12:35 pm
Each week, KANAAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, we find the news our members really want to see. This week, teachers are protesting in North Carolina, some schools struggle when dealing with LGBTQ students and staff, a district in Texas lures teachers with pay, and more!
posted by: Melissa
| May 08, 2018, 01:22 pm
National Teacher Appreciation Week is upon us and teachers across the country are being feasted by their administrators and showered with coffee mugs from their students. Beyond that, a host of national chains are offering special discounts or free offers for educators this week. Check out the list below to find a deal near you!
posted by: Melissa
| May 04, 2018, 01:07 pm
Each week, KANAAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, we find the news our members really want to see. This week, we have three walk outs: the teacher strike ending in Arizona, the proposed teacher walk out in North Carolina, and the student walk out for gun rights.
posted by: Melissa
| May 03, 2018, 02:29 pm
Tablets and phones have fully integrated themselves into our classrooms and with them come the bevy of applications that seem to multiply daily. Many of these apps are aimed at students or advertise themselves as educational, but are they always appropriate for classroom use? Should you try to integrate them into your lessons?
posted by: Melissa
| April 27, 2018, 03:27 pm
Each week, KANAAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, we find the news our members really want to see. This week, there are walk outs in Arizona and Colorado, while teachers in Las Vegas decide to dump their union.
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