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Weekly News Round-Up for December 15th
posted by: Melissa | December 15, 2017, 06:59 PM   

Each week, AAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, we find the news our members really want to see. This week, we remember Sandy Hook five years later, plus other news.

Sandy Hook Elementary, Five Years Later: This week marked the fifth anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The anniversary was remembered by a moment of silence and prayers. It was also a time to look at how schools have changed in the time since the shooting and to focus on moving forward.

Moves by the Education Department: The Education Department has not been idle this week. The department announced plans to release additional funding to schools damaged by this year’s devastating hurricane season. They’ve also been closely watching the tax reform bill making its way through the legislature. The bill would allow individuals to use 529 savings accounts for K12 education related expenses and would be a benefit to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s school choice initiative.

ESSA Plans Fail to Live Up to Expectations: This week, Bellwether Education Partners released a study of the plans that states submitted to the Education Department under ESSA. The analysis was not good. The plans were largely panned for being “uncreative, unambitious, unclear, or unfinished” and many were criticized for trying to do the bare minimum and skirt around regulations that were intended to hold schools accountable and lift expectations. Only twelve states earned a high rating on the review.

Net Neutrality’s Impact on Rural Education: Yesterday, the FCC voted to repeal the 2015 net neutrality rules. These rules restrict internet providers from showing preference to content from one company over the other. Without them, internet providers have more control over the data carried over their networks. Some lawmakers worry that the change will negatively affect rural schools that rely on access to online courses and materials to provide their students with a well-rounded education.

Happening Elsewhere:

Florida court rejects challenge to state education system

Virginia governor addresses teacher shortage with emergency action

Inslee proposes tapping state reserves to pay for education funding

Education receives 72% of all new money in Utah budget

VT education board to lawmakers: ‘Tread lightly’ with demands, costs

Iowa report card: How did your school rank?

Top three challenges for homegrown star taking over Chicago schools

Attorneys argue to federal appeals court over Atlanta schools split

HISD approves plan to rebuild 4 Harvey-damaged elementary schools

State recommends closing 3 New Orleans charter schools

Greencastle teachers authorize team to call strike

Teachers in Utica, Taylor protest contract negotiations

Colorado teacher’s troubling message, ‘I want to kill children,’ leads to resignation

District says teacher can’t force pupil to stand for pledge

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