Simple and Free Class Rewards |
posted by: Melissa | October 17, 2017, 04:57 PM |
We would all like to believe that our students are self-motivated learners, that they will behave nicely in class, do all of their homework, study hard for tests, and participate in discussions because they love learning, school, and most importantly, us! In reality, though, this is not the case. Especially early on in school, students are highly motivated by external factors. Students will work harder when offered a reward than they will just on their own. Buying rewards for students can add up. Older students are not likely to be impressed by the same cheap trinkets that motivate younger students. With younger students, too, even those cheap trinkets, bought in bulk from some place like Oriental Trading Company or a dollar store, can end up costing. Fortunately, sometimes the best rewards are the ones that don’t cost us anything. Check out our master list of free and simple classroom rewards below!
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