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Weekly News Round-Up for September 1st
posted by: Melissa | September 01, 2017, 05:27 PM   

Each week, KANAAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, AAE finds the news our members really want to see. At the top of the headlines this week is the fallout from Hurricane Harvey.

Hurricane Harvey Wreaks Havoc in Houston: Harvey destroyed much of Texas’s gulf coast, and schools were no exception. As flood waters begin to recede, schools are beginning to assess the damage and plan for the future. Some area schools are hoping to open on September 11, however the damage in some may necessitate them being closed much longer. Opening is further complicated by the fact that undamaged schools in the area are being used as shelters. Schools are just beginning to assess the damage, but some organizations are already beginning to plan for how they can help the recovery effort. Teachers of Tomorrow, a Texas company helping to prepare teachers for Texas classrooms is organizing an ‘Adopt a Classroom’ initiative for people elsewhere in the country who want to help.

Harvey Effects Schools across the South: Texas schools are not the only ones feeling the effect of the hurricane. Harvey’s record-setting rains are affecting schools across its path as it brings flooding in its wake. Louisiana schools began to close midweek and by Friday, closings had stretched as far as Tennessee.

Officials Debate Future of Schools Named for Confederate Fighters: With new attention on places named for former Confederates, officials in districts where schools were named for the Confederates need to decide how to handle the schools. Especially worrying for district officials is when Confederate names are placed on majority-minority schools. Already, several districts have voted to change school names, although not everyone agrees with the decisions.

DeVos Tours Schools in Mobile: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was in Mobile, AL on Thursday, touring schools. She visited and met with students at ACCEL Day and Evening Academy, the state’s first charter school, AIDT Maritime Training Center, and Council Traditional School. During the visits, she discussed workforce development. Meanwhile, students at Michigan State University have started a petition asking the school to rescind an invitation for DeVos to speak there next month.

Later School Times to Boost the Economy: Much has been said recently about starting school later for high school students, and a new report adds pressure by claiming the move could benefit the US economy. The Rand Corporation points to the vast amount of research that ties later school times with academic achievement and academic achievement to economic output. In short, doing what’s best for students is best for everyone.

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