Weekly News Round-Up for August 25th |
posted by: Melissa | August 25, 2017, 05:52 PM |
Each week, AAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, AAE finds the news our members really want to see. This week, we’re celebrating National Employee Freedom Week, along with other news! National Employee Freedom Week: This week, AAE is joining with others across the nation to celebrate the fifth annual National Employee Freedom Week. This comes at a time when there is an increasing awareness that teachers are being denied the right to associate with who they choose, there are prohibitive barriers to leaving a union, and being forced to pay agency fees while being locked out of negotiations is inherently unfair. Currently, there are several cases making their way through the court system advocating for greater employee rights. Illinois May Have Reached School Funding Deal: News outlets are reporting this morning that there may have been a deal reached on school funding in Illinois. The tentative agreement was reached on Thursday afternoon, and although details have not been released, it apparently includes a tax credit scholarship program and greater funding for Chicago Public Schools. Milwaukee Student Violently Attacks Teacher: A video popped up online this week showing a Milwaukee teacher being beaten by a student. The student repeatedly punched the teacher while the attack was caught on video by another student. The teacher’s injuries were non-life threatening, although he is on leave due to them. The teacher has called the attack “unfortunate.” The student has been arrested. High School Popularity May Not Lead to Happiness: A new study released last week looked at the quantity and types of bonds that students form in school and the impact these bonds had on students’ mental health. It found that if students formed high-quality close friendships, they reported higher overall rates of happiness, however students who put their emphasis on being popular with large groups of people did not fare as well. Malloy Slashes School Funding: In response to the inability of Connecticut’s legislature to reach a budget, the state’s governor announced major cuts to school funding. The governor plans to cut cost sharing grants by $51 million, however most of those cuts would come from wealthier districts. High-needs districts, known as Alliance Districts, will receive similar amounts of funding to the previous year. Malloy said that this was “not his preferred path” and he called on legislatures to reach a budget agreement as soon as possible. Also Happening:
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