Weekly News Round-Up for August 11th |
posted by: Melissa | August 11, 2017, 06:23 PM |
Each week, AAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, AAE finds the news our members really want to see. This week, the Illinois funding feud continues, Kansas redesigns their schools, Arizona vouchers hit a roadblock, and more! Illinois Schools Opening Despite Lack of Funds: For the first time ever, Illinois missed a payout to schools in the state this week. This is the latest development in the continuing showdown between the state’s legislature and the state’s governor over school funding. The state’s senate is planning to go into session this Sunday in an attempt to resolve the chaos. In the meantime, districts are pledging they will open on time no matter what happens. Education Leader Mark White dies: Former Texas governor Mark White died last week. As governor, Mark White pushed for education reforms that were unique at the time, but seem common place today. His reforms included tests as part of teacher licensure, class size limits, and a state-wide graduation test. Governor White pushed high standards for students, and said of his changes that they were “all designed around what a first-grade teacher needs.” Parents Sue School After 8-Year-Old Commits Suicide: Parents of an 8-year-old Ohio boy are suing the school system that their son attended. They claim that the school did not completely inform them of the bullying that their son was receiving, including a bathroom assault that left the boy unconscious. The parents claim that these attacks led to the child committing suicide, and if they had known the extent of the issues would have chosen to remove their child from the school. Kansas Schools Undergoing Redesign: In an effort to revamp education across the state, Kansas has selected fourteen schools to re-envision education in what they are referring to as a “moon-shot.” The schools, seven elementary and seven secondary, will focus on how schools can meet the individual goals of the students and shift away from standardized testing. Schools will work on design and planning this school year, and will launch and test their ideas during the next academic year. Arizona Voucher Expansion on Hold: The Arizona chapter of progressive education group Save Our Schools successfully gathered over 111,000 signatures on a petition that opposes the state’s plans to expand their voucher program. If the state can verify 75,000 unique signatures, then the recently passed SB 1431, which expands vouchers, will be put up for public referendum in November 2018. Also Happening:
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