Weekly News Round-Up for July 7th |
posted by: Melissa | July 07, 2017, 05:22 PM |
Each week, KANAAE/AAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, AAE finds what’s important for our members to know about. This week, we have news on the NEA Representative Assembly, a Teacher of the Year abandoning his state, curriculum challenges, and more! NEA Changes Stance on Charter Schools, Vows to Oppose De Vos: The NEA held its 96th Representative Assembly convention in Boston, MA this week. During the proceedings, NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia vowed that the NEA would not work with the Trump administration on any issue, saying that she did not trust their motives. The union also tackled charter schools, adopting a much tougher stance that opposes nearly all expansion of charters. OK Teacher of the Year Moves to Texas: After increasing educational budget cuts in Oklahoma, the state’s teacher of the year has decided to move to Texas. Shawn Sheehan and his wife are both educators and cite money as the reason for moving. They say that teacher salaries in the state are not enough for them to make ends meet. In Texas, they will earn $40,000 more each year. MI Schools Won’t Lose Funding for Native American Mascots: A dispute over schools with Native American Mascots has been brewing in Michigan over the past several months. During the dispute, Michigan School Superintendent proposed cutting up to 10% of a districts funding, if they used such a mascot. This week, State Attorney General Bill Schuette provided a formal opinion that such a move would be beyond the superintendent’s power. Florida Law Allows Curriculum Challenges: A new Florida law allows any parent or county resident to challenge the instructional materials and curriculum used in a school. Districts must hire an “unbiased hearing officer” who will hear complaints, and provides guidelines for removal that include pornographic materials, inappropriateness for grade, and not suited to student needs. Opponents of the bill fear that it will impact the teaching of evolution and climate change in the state. New Jersey Allows Single Gender Schools: In a reversal for the state, New Jersey will now allow charter schools that serve only one gender. In order to be approved, schools need to serve educationally disadvantaged or traditionally underserved students and must provide a compelling educational reason for limiting enrollment based on gender. Currently, the state only has two single-gender schools. Also Happening:
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