Where to Get Your Education Reporting |
posted by: Melissa | June 27, 2017, 06:47 PM |
KANAAE tries to make it easy for our members to stay up to date with what’s happening in the education sphere. Just recently, we’ve started posting a round-up of the top stories in education news each week on Fridays. You can follow us on social media to see when it gets posted, and it will be right here on our blog every Friday afternoon for you to check out.
For some people, this is all they want or need. But if you would like to go more in depth, hear about the underlying trends behind a story, or really dig into why something matters, you’re in luck. Here are several sites that you can turn to for thoughtful, long-form education journalism. Education Week: One of the oldest websites dedicated to covering education, they cover both breaking news stories, and stories on trends and ideas. For anyone interested in education, its sheer comprehensiveness and multiple viewpoints make this site a necessary daily visit. Education Next: Education Next is part online website and part print magazine, both focused on reporting about the trends shaping the future of education and the research behind it. Education Next stands out for its forward-looking focus while being grounded in facts. You won’t find many breaking news stories on this site, but you will find high-quality analysis. Notable among its achievements is a comprehensive, yearly survey, examining the shifting attitudes of parents and educators. Chalkbeat: Chalkbeat strives to cover local education news while focusing on national trends, making them unique in the education sphere. At the moment, they report from five metro areas and national education news. Their reporting is independent and timely. The74Million: Former CNN host Campbell Brown has been invested in education for years, and in 2015 she combined that interest with the trade she knew best – journalism. The result is high-quality journalism conducted by passionate reporters. EducationDive: EducationDive is part of a suite of websites and newsletters that “dive” into specific industries, claiming to focus on “Your Industry in 60 seconds.” Their partner sites include topics like ‘Retail’ and ‘HR.’ Their comprehensiveness makes them ideal for people wanting to have the broad picture of what’s happening in education. Where do you turn to stay on top of education news? Share below!
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