Weekly News Round-Up for June 23rd |
posted by: Melissa | June 23, 2017, 06:14 PM |
Each week, AAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, AAE finds what’s important for our members to know about. This week, we have changes in leadership in NYC and South Carolina, Vermont education spending, and new federal direction in CTE and education department investigations. Mayor Might Lose Control of NYC Schools: Mayor Bill de Blasio might lose control of NYC schools on June 30th. The city’s school system has been run by the mayor since 2002. In order for de Blasio to keep control, the state legislature needs to pass an extension of mayoral control before the end of the month, however the issue is deadlocked. The impasse seems to be a result of competing visions for education in the city and in the state including the role of charter schools, which have been stifled under de Blasio’s leadership. SC School Board Resists State Takeover: Allendale County School District is suing the state of South Carolina over plans for the state to take control of the school district. The state claims that the district is in a state of emergency due to its low performance and financial mismanagement. Allendale County is the worst performing school district in South Carolina. Since 1997, the state has only taken over one other district. Vermont Tackles Education Spending: Vermont legislators reached a deal this week that orders school districts in Vermont to cut $13 million over two years, collectively. The money will come, at least partially, from a new state-wide health insurance plan for employees and the money will be used to lower property taxes. Without the deal, Vermont was facing a government shutdown on July 1st. Education Dept Cuts Back Investigations: The U.S. Department of Education is scaling back investigations into civil rights violations at public schools and universities. The cuts come mainly from investigations into broad, systemic issues and oversight of how regional offices handle sensitive cases. The cuts will not affect continued investigations into specific allegations, including cases involving LGBT issues. CTE Bill Passes House: The U.S. House of Representatives passed a reauthorization of the bill governing CTE education this week. The bill gives more decision-making and funding authority to states and is designed to connect schools to needs in the local communities more effectively. The bill had widespread bipartisan support however some are still worried about cuts to funding CTE education in the recent budget proposal. Also Happening:
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