Weekly News Round-Up for June 16th |
posted by: Melissa | June 16, 2017, 03:06 PM |
We’re bringing to our members the education news that got our attention again this week. While there are a lot of stories about schools and teachers each week, these are the ones that we think you need to know about. This week, we have apprenticeships, the Broad Prize, testing and pension changes, and Dr. Dre. Trump Pushes Apprenticeships: This week, President Trump joined many others pushing for more focus on Career and Technical Education by signing an executive order calling for the increase of apprenticeship programs. The order includes a commitment of $100 million for the program and aims to remove restrictions that have prevented industries from using apprenticeships previously. Community Colleges and other non-profits have already begun working on aiding apprenticeship programs. Success Academy Wins 2017 Broad Prize: Success Academy, known for its high achieving students, won $250,000 from the Broad Foundation this past week. Following the announcement of the prize, the school’s head announced an initiative to put the school’s curriculum and tactics online, hoping that it will help the spread of best practices across the country. Dr. Dre Donates $10 Million to Compton High School: Compton native Dr. Dre is donating funds to the new Compton High School to support the building of a performing arts center. The theater will seat 1,200 people and include digital media production equipment. New York State Decreases Amount of Testing: In response to pushback against standardized testing, New York State is decreasing the number of days students spend taking those tests. Students in grades 3-8 will now spend two days in math and reading tests each instead of three. The changes will start next spring, in the 2017-2018 school year. Pension Changes in Michigan: Lawmakers in Michigan are considering legislation to change the way that teachers get funds in retirement. The bill would place new teachers into 401k-style retirement savings accounts rather than the current hybrid pension plan. Also Happening:
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