Weekly News Round-Up for June 9th |
posted by: Melissa | June 09, 2017, 06:23 PM |
Again this week, we’re bringing to our members the education news that got our attention. While there are a lot of stories about schools and teachers each week, these are the ones that we think you need to know about! Education Legislation Across the Country: Governors across the country are dealing with attempts to fund education for the next year. In Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker is wrestling with the state assembly’s plan, saying that he has concerns about it. Over in Nevada signing their legislature’s spending bill, which included an additional $17 million for education, was an easy decision for Gov. Sandoval. Finally, in Florida, education spending is coming to a showdown, as special interest groups on both sides are gearing up for a fight. At issue is higher education spending and how to pay for an increase in per-pupil spending, along with how much emphasis to put on school choice. NM Education Secretary Steps Down: New Mexico’s education secretary of seven years is resigning from the position. Hanna Skandera is a known education reformer, who has served in the Deptment of Education under G.W. Bush and in Florida. When asked why she was resigning, she didn’t give a clear answer. NYC Schools Building Gyms: Even though physical education is a required subject in New York state, many city schools lack a gym. Mayor Bill de Blasio is seeking to fix this by leasing gym space for schools or by retrofitting schools to make sure they have an appropriate space for P.E. No more Valedictorians in Colorado Springs: A school district in Colorado Springs voted this week to get rid of valedictorians and salutatorians in their graduating classes. Instead, the district is implementing a Latin honor system that recognizes groups of high-achieving seniors based on their GPA. The thought is that this move will motivate students more. Oregon Teacher Receives Tony: Oregon Teacher Rachel Harry has been selected to receive the Tony’s Excellence in Theatre Education Award. The award recognizes a K-12 theatre educator who has “monumental impact on the lives of students.” Rachel teaches at Hood River Valley High School in Hood River, OR. She’ll receive her award at the 71st Tony Awards, Sunday June 11. What’s going on in your school? Share below!
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