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Weekly News Round-Up for June 2nd
posted by: Melissa | June 02, 2017, 05:15 PM   

This week, we begin a new tradition. We always aim to keep our members informed of what’s happening in education, and to help us do that, we’re going to share the top education stories of the week.

High School Graduation: In many districts across the country memorial day weekend also doubled as high school graduation weekend. The weekend was filled with moments of pride, along with touching moments. While Mercy High School in CT set new highs for college attendance and students from Central High School in Milton, FL earned over 1.1 million in financial aid, students from Barrington High school in Barrington, IL said good-by to a beloved teacher.

Paper Waterfall for End of School: Students from a high school in Chandler, Arizona marked the end of the school year by creating a massive paper waterfall which soon turned into a paper slide. The video quickly went viral. Don’t worry though! Teachers were in on the whole thing and made sure that no one got hurt, while the mess was cleaned up by fellow students.

Appeals Court Rules in Bathroom Case: In one of the highest profile court cases of the year, a federal court found in favor of a transgender student seeking to use a male restroom at school. The7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that asking the student to use a female or gender neutral restroom at school was discriminatory.

Kansas Senate Approve School Funding: School funding has been an issue of contention in Kansas in recent years, after a Kansas Supreme Court ruling that said the state needed to spend more on education. The Kansas State Senate made progress on the issue this week, passing a spending bill that will increase funding by $230 million. This result came only after extensive debate and compromise.

Union Snubs Teacher of the Year: Massachusetts teacher Sydney Chaffee was recently named teacher of the year. During her time teaching, she’s shown a passion for empowering her students. However, her local union still chose not to congratulate her on this award because she teaches at a public charter school.

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