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Have You Tried Genius Hour in Your Classroom?
posted by: Melissa | May 04, 2017, 06:15 PM   

Genius hour began to be the trendy new thing several years ago and quickly made the rounds through businesses before going on to schools. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, it’s an easy one. The idea originated with Google which gives their employees 20% of their time to work on any project that they choose. The result was some of Google’s most well-known products, like Gmail.


Providing students with choice is also a known factor in engagement and motivation. Larry Ferlazzo, an ESL teacher and well-known education blogger, wrote a book on student motivation where he speaks about the importance of allowing students to choose how they spend their time. It helps students to develop personal responsibility, learn how to use cognitive strategies, tie curricular material to their own interests, and develop student-teacher relationships.

With all of this as background, it’s no wonder that many schools are adopting Google’s innovation strategy through the use of genius hour in their classroom, by providing students with one hour a week that they can spend on their own projects.

Students in classes that have implemented genius hour have described it as the highlight of their week.

This may seem daunting at first, but there are plenty of resources aimed at helping teachers implement genius hour. We’ve listed a few of them below:

Have you implemented genius hour in your class? Do you have a resource to share?

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