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Plan Now for Your Summer PD
posted by: Melissa | March 28, 2017, 07:42 PM   

Summer may seem a long way away, but if you want to spend your summer break perfecting your craft, you need to get started now. The summer months are filled with conferences, workshops, and fellowships that teachers can attend, but most of these require some planning ahead. Many of the most prestigious opportunities for teachers require an application process, and some may require travel or hotel stays.

All of this means teachers need to start looking at their opportunities now. If you’re not yet sure about how you want to spend your summer, there are many options open to you.

The most obvious PD options are conferences. All the major subject area associations hold their conferences over the summer, and there are a host of conferences offered by other institutions, like ASCD’s Conference on Teaching Excellence.

If you’re looking for an opportunity that’s a little more focused, the summer months are filled with workshops on a wide variety of topics. EdTechTeacher, for example, hosts summer workshops that introduce teachers to new technology, while Solution Tree hosts workshops for individuals and small groups that focus on topics like RtI and school improvement efforts. Summer is the time to get some guidance in AP Course Workshops.  Learning and the Brain hosts a number of institutes designed to help teachers understand neuroscience and use that knowledge in their lessons.

There are also a number of unique opportunities that happen during the summer. Carnegie Hall offers its Music Educator’s Workshop each summer. Museums, like the Smithsonian, also tend to host teacher institutes during the summer.

Also, don’t forget to check out your local university. Many state university systems offer PD over the summer for teachers. For example, the University of Minnesota hosts a number of summer institutes (with a deadline right around the corner!), as does Southern Oregon University, and the College of New Jersey . Stanford also offers a variety of workshops and institutes over the summer for teachers, as does the Columbia Teachers’ College.

If you don’t have time for anything else this summer, consider taking a MOOC. Sites like Edx and Coursera offer a wide variety of courses aimed at teachers.

How do you plan to spend your summer?

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