Union Spending Alarming to Rank and File? |
posted by: Alana | November 16, 2016, 04:43 PM |
Yet again, the teachers unions are among the largest political funders in local and national elections alike from coast to coast.
In addition to early presidential endorsements by both the AFT and NEA, the largest teachers unions in the nation spent a whopping combined total of $32.2 million dollars during in the 2016 election cycle as of the September 30th FEC reporting period. And that number is bound to be even higher when 4th quarter reporting numbers come in.
But that's not even the half of it. Here are 7 more head turning details about these unions’ involvement in the 2016 elections:
This isn't the first time teacher union spending has come under fire, it's not the first time that their partisan agenda has been called into question, and it's unlikely that it will be the last.
This spending is a prime example of why union membership continues to be in decline while AAE membership continues to boom!
Teachers deserve to have an alternative to union membership when their voices are not being represented or their money well spent. That's what makes AAE the professional choice.
As an association that provides educators with a true voice in education, AAE will never spend a single penny of member dues to endorse political candidates or tell members how to vote.
We hope you'll take this opportunity to let your colleagues know about AAE as an alternative to the high dues and partisan politics of NEA affiliates. It's critical that your fellow teachers know about their options so as to make informed choices about their association membership.
If you or someone you know are interested in joining an educators association with professional benefits for just $16.50 per month or $198 per year, visit aaeteachers.org/membership to learn more.
Do you think political spending is a good use of member dues? Tell us in the comments below!
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