KANAAE Celebrates National Employee Freedom Week 2014 |
posted by: Alix | August 11, 2014, 04:33 PM |
Today, the Kansas Association of American Educators (KANAAE) joins with 79 partner organizations to celebrate National Employee Freedom Week (NEFW), a national campaign to promote employee rights of association. NEFW (August 10-16) highlights how unionized teachers and other employees often don't know that they have the legal right to opt-out of union membership — and will help educate those employees on their options so they can make the decision about union membership that's best for them. NEFW is a national campaign with 79 partner organizations in 44 states across the nation. To celebrate NEFW, KANAAE will be sharing information with educators about their rights and options. This nationwide effort will promote informed decision making and empower educators so that they can select an association that best matches their budget and beliefs. "We are proud to be celebrating National Employee Freedom Week this year," stated KANAAE Executive Director Garry Sigle. "Teachers deserve the right to make informed choices." KANAAE's national partner, the Association of American Educators has spearheaded the campaign. More information is available at www.employeefreedomweek.com.
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