National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Gets an Update |
posted by: Ruthie | April 18, 2014, 06:12 PM |
Beyond the cosmetic changes, there have been deeper changes to the National Board process. For one, they’ve ended trying to create a program for principal certification in order to focus on their more popular and in-demand teacher certification. The main problem with the principal certification pilot program was the cost involved. Principal certifications were being based entirely on portfolios which were too cumbersome to grade in a cost effective manner. Along with scrapping one certification program, they’ve revised the teacher certification process in order to incorporate new research about teaching. The program is now designed to be more flexible and cost efficient. Now instead of having to be accomplished all at once, the certification process is going to be grouped into four modules, consisting of content knowledge, differentiation, teaching practice and classroom environment, and effective and reflective practice. Regardless of the updates, the certification process will continue to be performance based and peer-reviewed. If you’re interested in learning more about the process, the National Board has provided a guide for the 2014 – 2015 certification process. You can also attend an informational webinar provided by National University NB Leadership Center.
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