Teachers Rejects State & National Unions in Kansas |
posted by: Ruthie | January 23, 2014, 08:12 PM |
In the last few years districts from across the state of Kansas have decertified from the KNEA, in favor of a local teacher organization. The freedom from costly dues and partisan politics are just a few of the reasons Kansas teachers have fled the unions in favor of establishing their own organization. Led by local educators, these decertification efforts mean that teachers in Spearville and other local districts, are no longer forced to financially support the KNEA and NEA in order to have a voice in the bargaining process. Local representatives vote on contract measures, and everyone is allowed a voice, regardless of their membership status. For those educators seeking liability insurance, access to legal counsel, and other critical benefits, educators in every district in Kansas, have the option to join KANAAE. KANAAE/AAE dues are much more affordable at just $15 a month. “We would like to congratulate the teachers in Spearville on this decertification vote,” stated Garry Sigle, executive director of KANAAE. “These teachers wanted a voice locally without having to join the NEA. KANAAE is proud to provide teachers with support services that empower them to create an organization that best meets the needs of local educators.” The trend of decertification is not relegated to Kansas, but has occurred in Michigan, Maryland, and Wisconsin just in the past few years. As an increasing number of districts opt out of the union, they are turning to the Association of American Educators and our state chapters for professional benefits without the political baggage. Do you consider this a growing trend? Comment below.
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