Professional Development Highlights for August |
posted by: Ruthie | August 02, 2013, 07:54 PM |
The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to learn some new techniques or try a different strategy in your classroom. Our Professional Development Calendar is filled with opportunities that will let you do just that. Here are some of the best for the month of August.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013; Sage Hall University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, WI, Edcamp Oshkosh, edCamp is a 1-day "unconference" in that it's a chance for those in education (teachers, administrators, etc) to get together, network, share and learn. (Free) Wednesday, August 7 2013, 3 pm EST; Webinar, Upgrade Your Curriculum; In the current climate of educational accountability, new standards, teacher evaluations and student performance, educators are looking for practical ways to revitalize their curriculum design and instructional practice. In their new ASCD book, Upgrade Your Curriculum: Practical Ways to Transform Units and Engage Students, Janet Hale and Mike Fisher advocate a gradual and purposeful approach to transforming curriculum. ASCD (Free). Wednesday, August 7, 2013, 7 pm EST; Webinar, Power-Up Engaged Learners!; It's time for educators to transfer the responsibility of learning and achievement goals to the learners! Learn how you can leverage your students' passion, interests and talents while using BYOD and 1:1 initiatives, so every child can become a lifelong learner; ISTE ($29 - $49) Wednesday August 14, 2013; 3 pm EST; Webinar, Equipping English Learners to Access Common Core Math; The Standards for Mathematical Practice focus on active engagement that allows students to become mathematically proficient through a variety of language-rich experiences. For ELLs, those demands require teachers to understand the linguistic demands of academic language and Common Core mathematics; ASCD (Free) Thursday, August 22, 2013; 8 pm EST; Webinar, Don't Just Use Technology, Integrate it! Understanding the difference between using technology in the classroom and integrating technology into the learning environment is imperative for the quality of student learning. For technology integration to be effective, a teacher must have a system for determining if technology is the correct pedagogical choice for the instruction. The Technology Integration Framework is a way of asking and answering the following questions about the value of a technology tool: does it improve the student learning experience, does it improve the function of my classroom, does it streamline the responsibilities of the teacher, and is the time invested in implementing the tool worth the benefit for the learning? Kappa Delta Pi (Free)
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