posted by: Garry
| December 07, 2013, 06:04 AM
Many teachers use blogs to share about their work life, to communicate with parents, and to express their opinion and draw attention to educational issues. Other teachers turn to blogs to get inspiration and improve their practice. A blog is a great place to outline a new teaching technique in longer detail than you can go into on Twitter or Pinterest and you can follow the progress of a teacher or idea over time. While not all blogs are designed with the aim of improving teacher practice in mind, nor are all teacher blogs of equal quality, there are a few that stand out from the crowd. If you’re looking for inspiration, here are the best blogs that we think you should turn to.
- Cool Cat Teacher Blog – Run by Vicki Davis, this blog has information on educational tech and how to integrate it into your classroom.
- Ms. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog – This blog of a first grade classroom is chock full of new and interesting ideas for teachers that work with younger kids.
- Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day – Larry Ferlazzo is an English teacher who specializes in English Language Learners, which makes this blog a must-read for anyone who works with students struggling with English. However, he has hints, tips, and resources that teachers of all grades and subjects can use.
- Organized Classroom – Charity Preston’s blog is great help in getting teachers organized, which is its main focus. However, this blog also goes beyond just organization and includes tips for lesson design.
- Nerdy Book Club - Much like how it sounds, this is a bunch of nerdy teachers who run a group blog where they talk about reading and books. What’s not to like?
- Let’s Play Math – A blog especially for math teachers, it has all sorts of lesson tips and tricks that will really get your students thinking about math.
- To Make a Prairie – A wonderfully thoughtful blog about Language Arts Education.