posted by: Alix
| August 16, 2012, 08:03 PM
As you return to the classroom and gaze at your blank canvas, consider these suggestions we have compiled for you:
“Welcome to Our Classroom”
- A great bunch: Here’s a great way to show off your new class! Cut out large circles on purple construction paper. Write the name of each student in the middle of each purple circle. Organize the circles on your bulletin board like a bunch of grapes. Don’t forget to put the stem on the top of your bunch! Everyone who walks by now knows that your class is a great bunch.
- Another way to do this is by creating a puzzle board like the picture seen here.
Summer memories
- Put your best foot forward: A great way to start the school year off on a positive note is to encourage students to put their best foot forward. Have students write a poem about their best summer memory or have them draw a picture of the best day of the summer. Put each student’s poetry or artwork on the bulletin board along with an outline of a footprint that has the student’s name written on it. Label the bulletin board with a sign that says: “Put your best foot forward!”
Goals for the school year
- Reach for the stars: Have students write down their goals for the school year on a yellow paper star. Affix the stars to your bulletin board and attach streamers or yarn at the bottom of each star. Have students trace their hands and write their name in the middle of their handprint. Students can cut out their handprint and you can put their handprint on the bulletin board underneath their stars.
Project or Behavior Trackers
- Watermelon board: Since summer is almost over, decorate your bulletin board with the most treasured of all summer treats: watermelon. Cut out little construction paper watermelon quarters and write each student’s name on their designated piece of fruit. As students complete certain projects or improve behavior, they get a seed in their watermelon. When the student or class achieves a predetermined number of watermelon seeds, celebrate by having a watermelon party.
Unit board
- In some school districts, teacher evaluations incorporate an assessment of how your bulletin board looks. Putting up displays relevant to your unit is a great way to showcase your passion and talent to administrators. If you’re starting the year off by doing a unit on the Revolutionary War, put up pictures of some of the key individuals and a map of some of the battleground towns. If you want students to demonstrate how much they’re learning, invite them to post some “flair” about the particular unit – in the case of the Revolutionary War unit, perhaps a speech or a depiction of the Boston Tea Party.
First day of school activity
- Perhaps you’re a teacher that doesn’t like to decorate the bulletin board. If that’s the case, the bulletin board is a great first day of school activity! Consider the “Hooked on School” bulletin board suggested here.
Last but not least, be sure and take a picture of your bulletin board to upload to AAE’s Facebook page!
Teachers, what kinds of bulletin boards do you like to use to kick the school year off? Comment below.