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Be the Change You Want to See: Teacher Modeling
posted by: Alix | June 15, 2012, 03:33 pm   

As teachers, we can whine until the cows come home about “kids these days” and their general bad behavior.  It’s so easy to shake our fists and exclaim, “Why aren’t parents teaching their kids to behave?”  Teachers will go bonkers if they devote more energy to being frustrated about student behavior rather than being optimistic and pro-active about helping students to be better people.
Summertime for Teachers
posted by: Alix | June 13, 2012, 05:00 pm   

Any teacher will tell you that a surefire way of stirring up trouble with an educator involves remarking, “Must be nice to not work during the summer.” While summertime might mean that “the livin’ is easy” for some, most teachers find the summertime just as busy as the school year. Students might not be in the classroom, but teachers are often busy with professional development, conferences, trainings and other activities to improve their skills in preparation for the upcoming school year.

“Withitness”: Being Aware of What’s Going on in the Classroom
posted by: Alix | June 13, 2012, 09:28 am   

In the battle of classroom management versus teacher sanity, it is imperative that every teacher makes use of his/her inherent sense of awareness. While these self-examining “superpowers” aren’t exactly the powers of the Incredible Hulk or Spiderman, they are powerful enough to manage the classroom on the most hectic of days. This suite of abilities is what educators refer to as “withitness.”

Battling Germs and Staying Healthy
posted by: Alix | June 08, 2012, 09:21 am   

According to a recent survey comparing the overall health and well-being of eleven different professions, teachers were ranked the highest in terms of overall quality of life.  The distinguishing factor that helped to give teachers the happiness edge appears to be rooted in perspective – teachers regard their job as a “calling” and not just a gig that pays the bills.

The Teacher Gender-Gap
posted by: Alix | June 05, 2012, 09:34 am   

According to the most recent population survey released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the teaching gender gap is still alive and well. Male educators constitute just 2.3% of pre-K and kindergarten teachers, 18.3% of the elementary and middle school teacher population, and 42% of the high school level teaching staff.  These numbers are down from 2007, but suggest a clear female majority in the teaching profession, especially in the earlier grades.

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