posted by: Garry
| October 21, 2013, 02:48 pm
After a tumultuous introduction to the new school year, Indiana continues to face challenges as many are questioning why A-F school grades have yet to be revealed to the public. Indiana was once leading the charge among states to rank schools via easy-to-understand letter grading.
posted by: Garry
| October 09, 2013, 04:44 pm
A study was released yesterday that’s making big news: US adults score below other developed countries in math, literacy, and problem solving abilities. Perhaps it’s because the technology we’ve been embracing is distracting us, or because we’re teaching study skills that don’t work, or maybe just because we don’t value our teachers as much. Maybe if we start taking more field trips to art museums, we might see our skills rise. All of these topics, and many more, have been addressed in research studies released in the past few months. Read on to learn more about these studies:
posted by: Garry
| October 08, 2013, 01:39 pm
On March 28, 2013, Michigan's Right-to-Work law went into full effect, finally providing Michigan teachers and other workers the freedom to choose whether they want to be a member of a union. Since its inception, AAE has seen a large increase in Michigan teachers searching for professional benefits without the partisan politics of the Michigan Education Association (MEA). However, due to the mass exodus of members, Michigan union leaders are doing everything in their power to keep workers in the fold.
posted by: Garry
| October 07, 2013, 04:22 pm
As technology continues to evolve and expand, it is rare to hear of a school moving away from the use of new devices and programs. However, the South Bend School District, near Houston, Texas, recently abandoned a $16 million plan to incorporate iPads into classrooms.
posted by: Ruthie
| September 27, 2013, 11:26 am
Feelings of isolation have long been among the most common complaints of being a teacher. Recently it's become more and more clear that when educators collaborate, the art of teaching is raised and students reap the rewards.
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